Tuesday, 14 May 2024


A few nights ago I was heading to bed when I smelled what was quite distinctly the smell of ...er... pee.

I did a mental check of myself (like did I somehow pee myself and forget?  no!  ok then!) and knew it wasn't me.

The smell was mainly in my living room though so I got up and went to bed where it was ALSO in there!

Ok, not me, but what?  In my bedroom it smelled more like cat pee, which is a weird thing to know the smell of I suppose but I wondered if maybe the local raccoons had gone on a marking spree or something but I figure it's probably some kind of tree or plant or bush that flowered in the warmer weather but ewww why you gotta smell like that?

I nearly texted my neighbour but she's a floor up from me so might not be "hit" by it in quite the same way.  I did mention it to Jason a couple of days later and to my surprise he said "yeah, I've noticed that smell outside at your place before" so now I'm wondering why it was extra strong on this particular night and why I (thankfully) haven't noticed it before!

Musta been the heat.

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