Saturday 13 July 2024


Y'all my doctor is so sweet!

First of all, I'm SO thrilled and happy and grateful and lucky to have a doctor to begin with (we have a family/general practitioner doctor shortage here and when my doctor retired she managed to stay on and find someone to take over her practice THANK GOODNESS!) and I'm happy enough with the system that Covid gave us of being able to have phone call appointments.  

So I had a call appointment with my doctor last week and she started off by asking how I was doing and in my "I can make small talk" way I said "Oh, I'm ok, a little warm though." and this sweet lady said in a concerned way "oh... do you have a fever?"  D'awwwwwww!

I explained that no, just the weather is extra warm so I'm extra warm but I just thought that was so kind of her to wonder if I was sick rather than just not enjoying the (stupid) summer heat wave (that needs to go away please and thank you).

Double win... having a family doctor and her being kind and caring.  Yay!

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