Friday 19 July 2024

We've All Done Something Similar I'm Sure! (I Hope!?)

My brother called the other day to talk about some stuff and I think he might have had me on speakerphone or something because I was having a hard time hearing him over the noise of my fans BLARING in my background.

So after plugging one ear with my finger, I actually used my smarts and reached over to the earplugs I bought last year (to potentially help me handle the days when the fan noise really irritates me) and I put one of them in that ear instead, super genius me yay!

I was then half heartedly cleaning as we chatted and when I sat back down, I was tidying the table that is next to where I sit and I went to put my earplugs neatly away in their container.  But I could only find one.

I looked around the table in case it had rolled.  Nope.  Then I checked the floor.  Nope!  I was starting to get quite confused.... how could it have rolled that far?  Didn't I just see them both that morning?  Maybe?  Should I get up and look under the couch?

I looked on the floor one more time (remembering that it's kind of dark in my place since I have light blocked for the heat) and that's when I remembered/realized that, well, the second "missing" earplug was actually IN MY EAR! HA!

So yeah, that was one of those "looking for your phone while on your phone" kind of moments for sure and I'm still kind of giggling at myself. 

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