This last week, we've been in this weird in between phase of Winter where there has been enough warmth or enough rain or enough sun or enough of all three that most of the snow is gone, except for the piles where people (or machines) shovelled.
I always find it odd, this particular in between-ness because there is no snow, the windchill is nil, but there are these little piles of unmelted snow reminding you that even though things are back to "normal" and green again, not that long ago it was all white and freezing.
Snow bumps. Not quite cold enough to be gone completely, but warm enough to not be everywhere.
Oh right, before I forget, happy Valentine's day! Love you!
And they still warn about the possibility of snow, which being February, sure... but also, really? Cause it looks so nice out.
Right? heh ;)
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