Monday 28 January 2008

B is for Boyfriends

I think I promised you that sometime this century soon, I'd tell you more about my ex-boyfriends. So, where to start....

Most of my boyfriends I've met through friends. Er. Maybe all of them now that I come to think of it.

Other than Smith, DD is probably the ex-boyfriend I've talked about most here. Talked most about? Talked about most? Wha? Huh?

DD, as it turned out, was in one of the many tourist industry jobs in town and a good friend of mine was working at the same place as a summer job. (Hey, you gotta pay your way through University some way, right?) At the end of the season they held a party and I went with my friend to keep her company. And possibly to drink and meet cute boys. I forget.

DD and I ended up sitting next to each other and talking as I was leaving he stopped me and asked for my number. Thus leading, later that week, to the car door kiss. Which led later to the "well it's so late, can I just sleep over?" Which led to etc. etc. Which was complicated by him leaving two months later to live on the other side of the world for nearly a year. Ahhhh long distance. How you haunt me.

Any other fascinatingly boring boyfriend stories I can tell you?


Jen Wilson said...

Oh yes, tell us more!

Victoria said...

Oh boy! ; )

Thomas said...

I just posted something about an idea that very well may just revolutionize dating as we know it, Victoria. Let me know what you think.

Yvonne said...

Remember your post where we had to guess the profession of which you had not dated a guy?
I think we should get a story from each of those guys on the list that you did date. >;-D

Victoria said...

Oh my goodness Yvonne! (Well, I was thinking something similar, but that's a whole lotta stories I've got to sort through!) ; )

Thomas, that could totally work! Maybe one of those dates could be easy/group just to take off some pressure. Two date minimum. Yep.

Yvonne said...

No pressure!
Just fit them in here and there when you are so inspired. ;)

Victoria said...

: )