I don't like coffee. I tried to, for a while, but I just don't like it.
And I don't like wine really much either, nor beer.
Those two are less sort of "everyone does it" things but the coffee one? Yeah, I seem to be an odd person out on that one.
Do you have things that most like that you're not a fan of? Are you a non coffee person too?
I had a friend in high school who didn't eat sweets. Because she didn't like them!
I also shower at night and not in the morning.
Can't do coffee either. Barely tolerate tea. For beers, I really only like lagers or pilsners, which here in Victoria makes me a "beer-wimp".
Shower in the morning, since otherwise I can't really wake up.
No coffee. No beer. No wine. If I have a hot drink, it's hot chocolate. But mostly I don't drink warm beverages because I run hot and hot beverages make me uncomfortable.
Shower at night after hockey, but am a morning shower person.
I am that person too, never drink coffee (but love the smell of fresh ground coffee?) really no warm drinks. I have always liked diet coke) in the morning? I don't like wine or beer (bad memories from childhood)
I love fresh strawberries so good but cooked strawberries never including jam. Other fruits are fine cooked? I have been told this makes no sense.
Look at us all! Sharing no coffee together :D
Jason, the few times I've gone to beer fest I go back and forth between Merridale cider and whoever has a "light fruit" beer ;)
Elliott, I would think showering after hockey would be a must! ;)
Brandi, "strawberry" jam is SO not the same flavour/taste/texture as strawberries, I get it! :D
I shower in the morning - mostly because if I don't, I feel grubby all day (apparently my body heat is about a million degrees, so I guess it gets rid of a night's worth of sweat).
My body hates lager and beer, even though I quite like the taste (I don't think we need any more details than that lol).
I used to love red wine, but now one glass will give me the headache from hell.
Bizarrely, I can drink coffee like water -the caffeine has little or no effect on me. People sometimes look on in wonder if I make a cup late at night - "won't it keep you awake?" - "nope" lol
Funny, I have a friend who makes a dark dark dark cup of tea every night before bed and I have no idea how it doesn't keep her awake!
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