Thursday 16 May 2024

The Update You Never Asked For!

I've still been eating and making (and sharing) sorbets and thought I'd jot down some of my thoughts.

So far, the "juice" based ones (pomegranate/orange) turn out icier than I'd like.  Plus it seems that certain ones (peach and orange) upset my stomach (not sure why on that to be honest.)

I didn't like the orange one much but a few other people said it was AMAZING.  I put that down to buying really good oranges.

Blackberry, as I think I said before had no flavour and that broke my heart.

Pomegranate I tried to give away and then melted down the rest.  I had tried to reduce the iciness by adding more sugar and then it was just too sweet for me.  A neighbour took some and used it as a drink mix and said it was delicious (with tequila and lime)!

So far raspberry is still my favourite but I'm all out and waiting for a sale price.

I finished my strawberry and then found myself craving more so they had a sale again and so more strawberry was made.

I still have mango left, it's a lovely texture and flavour but sort of overwhelming so I don't get through much at a sitting.

I'm thinking of trying kiwi next but the recipes I've found so far have been a bit on the odd side and so it might end up like the blackberry, or might be too tart/sharp?  Not sure.

I'll probably have to buy more sugar soon, which is kind of ironic as I've not used sugar for ages and now I'm using quite a lot quite often!

But yeah, still enjoying making a simple yummy treat and looking forward to more in season fruits to try!  (And I might be drooling with anticipation at the idea of local farmer's market strawberries when the arrive!  Yum!)